Can someone with EUPD be in a happy relationship?... I am a 40yr old woman with EUPD , so I feel qualified to answer this question however, from the off, I want to say that this is just my opinion based on my own personal experiences. The answer is quite simply, yes. We are still people, with our individual personalities and idiosyncrasies and like all relationships, the success or failure of one is based upon the two people involved. It is through the art of communication, the understanding of each others wants and needs, and the ability to accept whatever flaws they have that will decipher the potential of a 'happy relationship' or not. That isn't to insinuate that there is a 50/50 responsibility on the success of the relationship. Whether it is good or bad, it is never 100% one sided, anyone who claims this to be the case is neither educated or experienced in either subjects. EUPD, as with all personality disorders are highly complex...
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