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Showing posts from July, 2021

Can someone with EUPD be in a happy relationship? #eupd #BPD #mentalhealth

 Can someone with EUPD be in a happy relationship?... I am a 40yr old woman with EUPD , so I feel qualified to answer this question however, from the off, I want to say that this is just my opinion based on my own personal experiences. The answer is quite simply, yes. We are still people, with our individual personalities and idiosyncrasies and like all relationships, the success or failure of one is based upon the two people involved. It is through the art of communication, the understanding of each others wants and needs, and the ability to accept whatever flaws they have that will decipher the potential of a 'happy relationship' or not. That isn't to insinuate that there is a 50/50 responsibility on the success of the relationship. Whether it is good or bad, it is never 100% one sided, anyone who claims this to be the case is neither educated or experienced in either subjects. EUPD, as with all personality disorders are highly complex...

The 'Under boob' #loveisland #underboob

Ok people, let's talk about this current trend right now on itv2's popular TV show 'Love Island'... 'The under boob'....  So I'm watching last nights episode and all I was thinking was, "BRILLIANT!! all my bikinis that were sentenced to the charity shops are now serious contenders for my summer wardrobe!" Now whilst a lot of people will be looking at this either enjoying the extra skin or jumping on to 'boohoo' or 'Pretty Little Thing' to get their 'itsy bitsy-teeny weeny-not enough material bikini' there will be some of us, like yours truly who is delighting in the fact that 'post breast feeding' I CAN in fact keep my bikini's that I wore pre baby and feel like I'm actually 'on trend'.  So ladies, if you've been feeling sad that your girls/twins/cocnuts/ta ta's/fun bags/ have been left out of all the fun these past few decades due to the upper cleavage era, you can now in fact celebrate and l...

My new maxi dress with botanical print! #danisworld

  There's a certain, " Je ne sais quoi" about trying on a new outfit that makes you feel like you are glowing from the inside out. You have that fresh feeling of the soft material gliding over your skin as you pull the garment on and it brings a warmth around your body as it falls in to place... now this really only happens when the cut, fabric and print of the garment are of a high standard and much to my expectations from this fabulous family run business, ' Tara's Women's Wear' meets all of those and I simply adore my new dress with it's botanical print and flattering maxi style; It really was one of those moments for me that I felt I needed to share the photos and tell you all about it. The cotton is just so soft and feels  luxury but absolutely affordable....on that note, the lovely folks over at 'Tara Women's Wear' have given me a unique code for you to use to get 10% off your purchases with them! Hoorah! Simply type in TARA10 at ch...